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About Fora

We help companies and their employees to navigate their collectively agreed pension and insurance solution. Our smart and affordable services make working life more secure and society more sustainable.

As one of the cornerstones of a secure working life, Fora has an important role to play in building a sustainable society.

We are owned by the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise (Svenskt Näringsliv) and the Swedish Trade Union Federation (LO), and operate on a non-profit basis. This means that we are an independent force with an exclusive focus on the best interests of our customers.

We want to show the way to a simpler working life and believe in the power of collective agreements to create security. Caring about people is what motivates us to make their working life simpler and more secure. And we want to help ensure that Sweden is well-equipped for the future.

Our mission as a service company is to make sure that collectively agreed benefits are correctly managed, calculated, invoiced and transferred.

We forward more than SEK 19 billion in premiums and fees every year.

Our customers are 235,000 companies and their employees.

More than 4 million individuals are covered by the collectively agreed insurances administered by Fora.

This is what Fora does


Fora administers SAF-LO Collective Pension Insurance and the collectively agreed insurances.

Companies and organisations take out insurances and occupational pensions for their employees with Fora. The insurances are part of the collective agreement for companies that are either owned privately, or by municipalities and county councils. Companies without collective agreements can also take out insurances at Fora.

Fora gathers data from the companies about how much they have paid out in salaries. Fora uses this data to calculate how much the company needs to pay towards insurances and occupational pensions. The money paid to Fora is then transferred to insurance companies, pension managers and investment funds.

Fora also acts as selection central for SAF-LO Collective Pension Insurance. This means that wage-earners make their choice of pension manager via Fora.

Fora also invoices companies for agreements that have been made for a specific collective agreement. This could be a fee to a foundation for education and research, or additional SAF-LO Collective Pension Insurance contributions for wage-earners in a specific sector.

Fora is jointly owned by the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise and the Swedish Trade Union Confederation.

The insurance agreement – how it works


The insurance agreement that a company signs with Fora is a complete insurance package. The package contains all the insurances and the occupational pension that wage-earners in privately owned companies should have under the collective agreement. Companies without collective agreements can also sign the insurance package agreement.

Some of the insurances in the collective agreement for salaried employees in privately owned companies can be signed via Fora. The rest can be signed via e.g. Collectum.
Some insurances for municipal and county council employees can be signed via Fora, and the rest via other companies.

Signing insurance agreements

The insurance agreement is signed by sending a form to Fora. The company then receives confirmation by post that the insurance agreement is signed. Companies that have signed collective agreements with trade unions do not need to send in a form: they will receive confirmation as soon as Fora has been informed that the collective agreement is signed.


The cost of insurances and occupational pensions is a percentage of the salaries that the company pays out. Fora’s initial calculations are based on the salaries that the company specified when it signed its insurance agreement. This is an estimate of how much the company will pay out in salaries during the year – the preliminary salaries.

Fora invoices for the insurance agreement every other month, starting in February.

Reporting final salary details

In January, the company supplies Fora with a detailed report of the salaries that were actually paid out the previous year – the final salaries. As soon as Fora has received the final salary details, it calculates the final cost for the previous year. This cost is compared to how much the company has already paid in. The company may have paid too little or too much. This is adjusted on the February invoice.

Preliminary salaries

The salaries that are reported to Fora in January are used to generate invoices throughout the year. If something happens that affects the salaries the company pays out, the preliminary salaries can be updated. The invoice from Fora will also be updated.

SAF-LO Collective Pension Insurance

In the salary report in January, the company also supplies the Swedish personal identity number and salary of everyone who has been employed as a wage-earner during the year. Fora calculates how much money should be paid towards the wage-earners’ SAF-LO Collective Pension Insurance. The money is transferred to the pension manager selected by the employee.

In the spring, the employee receives a pension statement that shows how much money has been transferred to the pension manager and the value of the pension pot at the turn of the year.

AFA Insurance

Employees should contact AFA Insurance if they want to claim compensation from one of the insurances. AFA Insurance will process and assess the case, and take a decision about compensation. AFA Insurance can also answer any questions about the insurances and insurance terms.