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SAF-LO Collective Pension Insurance and collective insurances for manual workers in private companies
As a manual worker at a private company with collective agreements, you will normally be covered by the collective insurances and Avtalspension SAF-LO, occupational pension.
The collective insurances provide you and your family with added financial security in various situations.
These insurances are compulsory for companies with collective agreements, but can also be signed by employers without collective agreements.
Employers pay the premiums.
Every year, your employer pays a premium into your occupational pension. It is called SAF-LO Collective Pension Insurance and is a pension that you receive in addition to your national public pension.
In various life- and workplace situations the insurances can compensate for financial loss and provide you and your family added security. These insurances are compulsory for companies with collective agreements, but can also be signed by employers without collective agreements.
Information material about the insurances.
The short instructional movie clips answer the most common questions. They have subtitles in different languages.
You can log in with BankID or Freja eID+.
The insurances that apply in the event of sickness, work injury, parental leave, redundancy and death are administered by AFA Försäkring.
Please contact AFA Försäkring if you need to report an injury:
Telephone: +46 (0)771-88 00 99 Monday-Friday 9am-5pm or at www.afaforsakring.se
Between 11.00 - 13.00 we receive a lot of phone calls. If possible, call us at another time for quicker assistance.
If you are already a customer, you can log in to Mina sidor (My pages) and send your query to Customer Service via e-mail.
Use the form to send a general message. Our ambition is to reply to incoming e-mails within 2 business days. We are not able to handle e-mails containing personal data.
Postal address
Fora AB
101 56 Stockholm
Delivery address (courier, company mail)
Sveavägen 44, Stockholm
Opening hours
Switch board and deliveries: 08.10 - 16.45
(18 May - 11 September 08.10 - 15.45)
Please note!
Fora does not have a customer reception at the delivery address.
For customer service, please call: 08-787 40 10