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Företag (Employers)

Monthly reporting

Fora has switched to monthly management of collectively agreed insurances. From February 2024 and onwards the payrolls of manual workers are to be reported monthly. 

About the insurance agreement

The insurance agreement that a company signs with Fora is a complete package of collectively agreed insurances. However, the contents of this package will vary for manual workers, non-manual workers and company owners. 

All current and future employees who receive a salary are covered by the insurances, regardless of their type of employment. The insurance agreement is signed for all employees; it is not possible to take out insurances for individual employees.

For manual workers, the insurance agreement provides comprehensive insurance cover, including an occupational pension.

Non-manual workers and company owners have insurance cover for accidents that occur at work. 

Owners who are regarded as company owners also have some insurance cover. There are also optional insurances.

Insurance Manual workers Non-manual workers Company owner
Avtals­pension SAF-LO, Collective pension insurance   Optional
AGS, Group sickness insurance   Optional
TFA, Work injury insurance
TGL, Group life insurance   Optional
FPT, Supplementary parental benefit insurance    
Premiebefrielse­försäkring, Waiver of premium insurance
AGB, Severance payment insurance    

How to differentiate categories of personnel


It is usually the collective agreement that determines whether an employee counts as a manual workers or a non-manual workers.

  • Manual workers are covered by collective agreements between an employers’ association and a trade union belonging to LO - The Swedish Trade Union Confederation.
  • Non-manual workers are covered by collective agreements between an employers’ association and a trade union belonging to PTK - the council for negotiation and cooperation.
  • It is the work that an employee performs that determines to which collective agreement they belong.

When you count as a company owner


Limited company

General partnership

Limited partnership company

Other forms of company

Extra pension provision


It is possible to make additional payments of premiums for Avtals­pension SAF-LO, Collective pension insurance via special agreements. A supplementary pension provision is not linked to any collective agreement, but is agreed separately by employer and employee.

Hur skiljer jag på arbetare, tjänste­män och företagare?

Filmen beskriver varför det är så viktigt och hur du skiljer på arbetare, tjänste­män och ägare som räknas som företagare. 
Längd: 1:51 minuter
Ljud: Svenskt tal. 
Textning: Svenska och engelska.

How to distinguish between manual workers, non-manual workers and self-employed persons?
Subtitles available in Swedish and English.