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Företag (Employers)

Monthly reporting

Fora has switched to monthly management of collectively agreed insurances. From February 2024 and onwards the payrolls of manual workers are to be reported monthly. 

Government compensation regulations

As of 1 October 2022, employers who pay a fee to a registered readjustment organisation can receive compensation for this cost in accordance with the Act (2022:850) on Basic Readjustment Assistance and Skills Support. The remuneration an employer may receive is decided by the Swedish Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency. Applications and payments are administered by Fora. 

Employers who have paid a fee to any of these three readjustment organisations may be entitled to compensation through Fora:

  • TSL employment transition fund
  • TRR employment transition fund
  • TRS employment transition fund


Fora applies for and pays compensation


Through the insurance terms and conditions, Fora has the authority to apply for compensation in the employer’s name and on behalf of the employer.

The Swedish Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency grants compensation. Fora receives the compensation and forwards it to the employer.

Size of compensation


In accordance with the Act on Basic Readjustment Assistance and Skills Support, the compensation that the employer may receive corresponds to the fee (excluding VAT) paid to a registered readjustment organisation during the year the application pertains to. However, no more than an amount corresponding to 0.15 per cent of the employer’s total paid cash remuneration that is included in the basis for employer contributions under the Social Insurance Contributions Act.

Payment of compensation


The first payment from the Swedish Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency will be made after the application deadline, i.e. after 30 September 2024.

This is regardless of when during the year the application is received by the Swedish Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency and regardless of whether it is the employer or Fora that submitted the application.

Bank giro/bank account requirements


In order for Fora to be able to pay the approved compensation to the employer, the company must have a bank giro number that is registered with Bankgirot. If this is not the case, some companies can register a Swedish bank account with Fora for payment.
Payment will only be made to a bank giro or Swedish bank account that has been registered with Fora, not through a payout slip or other means.

How to register a bank giro

If the company has a bank giro registered with Bankgirot, you do not need to do anything – Fora will retrieve the information from Bankgirot. If your company has several bank giro numbers registered with Bankgirot and wants the money to be paid out to a specific numbers, the main or other administrator can change the bank giro number for payment on Mina sidor (My pages).

How to register a bank account

  • Companies with sole proprietorships, limited companies, general partnerships and limited partnerships whose bank details are not in official registers can register a Swedish bank account for payments from Fora. To do this, the company’s main or other administrator logs into Mina sidor (My pages) at www.fora.se. Reports are made under the Administration > Company information tab. Applications for bank accounts must be signed with BankID by the company’s authorised signatory. If the company has several authorised company signatories, they will receive an e-mail detailing that they must sign the document.
  • If you have a non-Swedish company and don't have a BankID, you can use this form to register a Swedish bank account for all your outgoing payments from Fora.
    BL000219 Registration of Swedish bank account

When Fora has received the signed application, the specified account is verified.

Note: Only bank accounts linked to the business registration number will be approved.

If a bank account is lacking

  • If the company does not have bank giro and has not registered a Swedish bank account with Fora, Fora will nonetheless apply for compensation from the Swedish Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency on behalf of the company. The Swedish Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency will also decide whether the company is entitled to compensation and at what amount. However, the compensation will not be paid to Fora and therefore cannot be paid to the company.
  • If the company has registered a bank account or bank giro to Fora that proves to be incorrect, it will not be possible to pay the compensation to the employer. The compensation will then be refunded to the Swedish Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency.

In such cases, the company does not lose the right to compensation. However, since payment from the Swedish Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency is only made once a year, payment will be delayed until the next payment date. In addition, the employer must then have specified a correct bank giro or bank account with Fora.



Fora is commissioned by the collective agreement parties to administer the application, but the employer must give Fora power of attorney to apply for compensation on behalf of the employer.

Through the common terms and conditions of AFA Insurances, Career Readjustment Insurance and SAF-LO Collective Pension Insurance, the employer grants Fora power of attorney to apply for compensation from the Swedish Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency in the employer’s name and to receive the decision and compensation on behalf of the employer. Fora shall forward decisions and remuneration to the employer and thus act on behalf of the employer.

Power of attorney can be revoked

The employer must submit a special form to revoke the power of attorney. The form will be available here at www.fora.se from 1 January 2023.

For administrative reasons, Fora's power of attorney must be revoked no later than 10 working days before the application is submitted to the Swedish Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency. If the application is not withdrawn in time, the employer will be included in the collective application to the Swedish Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency. If the power of attorney is revoked, the employer is responsible for applying for and submitting the information required by the Swedish Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency.

If the employer applies directly from the Swedish Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency for compensation without revoking Fora's power of attorney, this will be viewed as a revocation of the power of attorney. This also applies if the direct application is made after the collective application has been submitted to the Swedish Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency. Fora's power of attorney should therefore be revoked before the employer submits their own application for compensation directly to the Swedish Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency. The Swedish Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency will inform Fora if the employer has submitted a direct application.

Note that the power of attorney applies to applications for receiving compensation for the fees the employer paid via Fora to all readjustment organisations. Revocation of the power of attorney will apply indiscriminately for all readjustment organisations to which the employer pays a fee. Revocation cannot be divided up to only apply to certain readjustment organisations.
A direct application will also terminate the power of attorney in its entirety and therefore, the employer will not be included at all by Fora’s application. When making a direct application, it is therefore important that the employer includes all readjustment organisations to which they pay fees via Fora in their application for compensation.

A revocation of the power of attorney applies until further notice. Fora will not apply on behalf of the employer for the years in which the power of attorney was revoked. Even if the power of attorney has been revoked, Fora will provide certain information to the Swedish Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency in accordance with the Act on Basic Readjustment Assistance and Skills Support.

The employer can choose to re-grant Fora power of attorney to administer the application for the coming year.

Appeals and reconsideration


The employer must request reconsideration or appeal directly to the Swedish Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency if the employer is not satisfied with the decision. It is not part of Fora’s commission to request reconsideration of the Swedish Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency’s decision or to appeal decisions on behalf of the employer.

Notification via Mina sidor (My pages)

The decision of the Swedish Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency will be announced on Mina sidor (My pages) here at www.fora.se when logged in, and by letter.

Request reconsideration within three weeks
The employer is considered to have received the decision when Fora has received the decision electronically from the Swedish Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency and then has three weeks to request reconsideration or to appeal the decision. It is therefore important that the employer stays abreast of the information on Mina sidor (My pages). The information will appear within a couple of days of Fora receiving the decision from the Swedish Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency. The informational letter will take longer.

The employer is obliged to act before the time for appeals expires. Fora accepts no liability for the employer’s delay.

Retroactive changes


Fora will provide information to the Swedish Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency about any changes that may affect the compensation granted for previous years. The information can relate to changes in payroll amounts or fees paid to a registered readjustment organisation. There is an obligation under the Act on Basic Readjustment Assistance and Skills Support to notify of such changes that may affect the contents of an application.

At present, Fora will provide information regarding retroactive changes to the Swedish Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency for the two years following the year the application pertains to. This information may result in changes to compensation for previous years. In some cases, this may result in an employer being liable to pay back compensation.
The employer is always fully responsible for the information and must ensure that it is correct.

If the employer feels that insufficient compensation has been paid, the employer must request reconsideration or appeal the decision of the Swedish Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency, see also Appeals and reconsideration.

If the power of attorney is terminated, Fora will inform the Swedish Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency of changes relating to the years that the power of attorney applied. Fora will not inform the Swedish Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency of any changes relating to the years in which the power of attorney did not apply unless required by the Act on Basic Readjustment Assistance and Skills Support.

Important information about special conditions for being included in the application


For an employer to be included in the collective application, they are required to have:

  • duly reported payroll information;
  • paid the agreed fee to the registered readjustment organisation for the year to which the application relates; and
  • submitted the information required to administer the application for receiving compensation from the Swedish Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency.

For foreign companies that do not have a Swedish corporate ID number, the Swedish Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency will not decide on compensation.

Certain employers who have paid a fee to a registered readjustment organisation in line with collective agreements, but who are not covered by the new main and collective agreements that provide basic readjustment and skills support under the Act on Basic Readjustment Assistance and Skills Support, are not covered by the power of attorney or Fora’s commission and are therefore not included in the collective application.

Please contact your registered readjustment organisation for final notification if you are subject to the new rules.

Personal data


For sole proprietorships, Fora will transfer personal data in the form of the personal identity number of the holder to the Swedish Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency.

More information about how Fora processes personal data can be found here.