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As a manual worker at a private company with collective agreements, you will normally be covered by the collective insurances.
Fora helps companies and their employees to navigate their collectively agreed pension and insurance solution. Our smart and affordable services make working life more secure and society more sustainable.
Companies without collective agreements can take out insurances and occupational pensions for their employees via Fora.
A brief description of the collective insurances administrated by Fora. It´s a packaged deal but coverage vary depeding on whether the employer has a collective agreement or not, and if employees are manual workers or non-manual workers.
The invoice from Fora is a summary invoice for the insurances and the occupational pension included in the insurance agreement.
The invoice from Fora is a summary invoice for the insurances and the occupational pension included in the insurance agreement, as well as any collectively agreed fees.
Companies with collective agreements are required to sign an insurance agreement via Fora.
Foreign companies with temporary operations in Sweden can sign insurance agreements with Fora.
The insurance agreement that a company signs with Fora is a complete package of collectively agreed insurances. However, the contents of this package will vary for wage-earners, salaried employees and business owners.
The insurance agreement that a company signs with Fora is a complete package of collectively agreed insurances. However, the contents of this package will vary for manual workers, non-manual workers and company owners.